Spend and Redeem an Exclusive Reward with
AmBank Credit Card / AmBank Islamic Credit Card-i
*Get a RM50 Mitsui Outlet Park KLIA Sepang (MOP KLIA) cash voucher!
With a cumulative spend of RM800 with a maximum of two (02) receipts for the purchases made on the same day with AmBank Credit Card /AmBank Islamic Credit Card-I at MOP KLIA.
Date: 15 February 2025 - 30 April 2025
Voucher Redemption Venue: Information Counter, Sunshine Square, Ground Floor
Terms & Conditions:
1. The promotion period of is valid from 15 February 2025 to 30 April 2025, inclusive of both dates.
2. Payment must be made using AmBank Credit Card/AmBank Islamic Credit Card-i.
3. Valid for customers who spend a minimum cumulative of RM800 in a maximum of TWO (2) receipts with AmBank Credit Card/AmBank Islamic Credit Card-i at any outlet at Mitsui Outlet Park KLIA Sepang.
4. All individuals (residents and non-residents) aged 18 years and above are eligible for the promotion.
5. Limited to ONE (1) redemption per eligible customer per day. On a first-come, first-served basis; while stocks last.
6. Cash vouchers are limited to 1,000 units throughout the promotion period.
7. Customers are required to provide their personal data (IC / Passport number, Full Name, Contact, etc.) for verification and validation purpose during the redemption, and by doing so, the customer shall consent to MOP KLIA’s privacy policy in writing or otherwise.
8. MOP KLIA reserves the right to request for proof of purchase for verification purposes.
9. Redemption is only valid on the same day and date of the purchase(s) made at Mitsui Outlet Park KLIA Sepang. Payment(s) must be made with AmBank Credit Card/AmBank Islamic Credit Card-i.
10. The original receipt(s) of purchase and AmBank Credit Card/AmBank Islamic Credit Card-i must be presented as proof of purchase.
11. All receipts submitted by the eligible customers must be stamped by MOP KLIA to be valid for use for the redemption.
12. The receipt(s) that have already been paid or deducted with the MOP KLIA voucher(s) is not eligible for redemption.
13. Reprinted or Duplicated receipts will be deemed void and not eligible for redemption.
14. Receipt(s) with the word ‘Redeemed’ stamped or any other remarks indicated will be deemed void and not eligible for redemption.
15. Handwritten receipt(s) or receipt(s) without MOP KLIA tenant’s company’s logo/stamp are not eligible for redemption.
16. MOP KLIA tenants’ staffs are NOT eligible for this promotion and redemption. Any redemptions made by tenants’ staff on behalf of customers shall not be accepted.
17. The cash vouchers are not for sale, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or other items.
18. MOP KLIA reserves the right to amend the terms and condition as and when deemed fit. Decision made by the management is final.
19. By participating in this Promotion customers are deemed to have read, accepted and agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions and any other instructions that MOP KLIA and/or its affiliates may issue from time to time. In the event the customer breaches any of the Terms and Conditions, MOP KLIA shall at its absolute discretion forfeit any of the Cash Voucher awarded, including but not limited to any other goods and services rendered. MOP KLIA shall not be liable for any claims arising from the customer’s participation in this Promotion.
20. The Terms and Conditions of this Promotion shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia and the customer shall agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Malaysia over the matters arising from this Promotion.
21. Visuals (if any) are for illustration purposes only.
22. The eligible and participating Cardholders are bound by the terms and conditions of AmBank/AmBank Islamic and Mitsui Outlet Park KLIA Sepang.
23. AmBank/AmBank Islamic is not an agent of the MOP KLIA and makes no representation as to the quality of goods and/or services provided. Any dispute about the goods and/or services is to be resolved directly with the partner.
1. MFMA Development Sdn Bhd shall not accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrant entering this promotion or as a result of entering this promotion or accepting any cash voucher or during or after the cash voucher has been claimed.
2. MFMA Development Sdn Bhd shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, injury, death, claim or damage suffered by any person arising out of or in connection with this promotion, and each participant and any person acting on his/her behalf shall indemnify MFMA Development Sdn Bhd from any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses incurred in connection therewith.
Use of Personal Information
Participants agree and consent to MFMA Development Sdn Bhd’s collection, use and retention of personal information provided by the participant without any compensation to the participant for the purpose of research, promotional and marketing efforts as well as for all purposes related to this promotion including but not limited to (i) processing and administering entries (ii) communication and awarding of gift vouchers (iii) issuing publicity and announcements regarding the promotion, and (iv) advertising, promoting and publishing this promotion. Any request made by a participant which seeks to limit the foregoing will result in the automatic disqualification of the participant.
Participants agree to allow MFMA Development Sdn Bhd and its agencies to process and disclose to any third party, all personal data of the Participants provided by the Participants for this Promotion for any and all purposes in relation to this Promotion and all other activity relating to or arising from the course of business or businesses of MFMA Development Sdn Bhd.
Participants agree to allow MFMA Development Sdn Bhd to collect, use, disclose and share amongst themselves and their respective service providers, the Participants’ personal data, including the photographs or audio video or other recordings of the Participants for publicity and/or use in advertisements across all media, in its original or edited format, and whether to promote the Promotion or otherwise without further notification, remuneration or compensation.