How to Get to LaLaport BBCC

LaLaport Bukit Bintang City Centre is conveniently located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and is easily accessible via RapidKL public transit. The nearest transit hub is Hang Tuah Station, which serves both the LRT and KL Monorail. Below is a guide for getting to LaLaport BBCC from key hotspots.


From KL Sentral

Route: From KL Sentral, take the Monorail Line (Green) to Hang Tuah Station.

Fare: Approximately RM2.50 – RM3.00 (one-way)

Travel Time: About 10 minutes on the train. (2-stops)

Walk: Once at Hang Tuah, follow the clearly marked pedestrian walkways. The distance is roughly 300 meters (about a 3-minute walk).



Route : From KLCC, Take the Gombak Line (Red) to Masjid Jamek, then transit to the Ampang Line (Orange) to Hang Tuah Station

Fare : Approximately RM3.00  – RM3.20 (one-way)

Travel Time : About 20 minutes on train (8-stops, including transits) 

Walk: Once at Hang Tuah, follow the clearly marked pedestrian walkways. The distance is roughly 300 meters (about a 3-minute walk).


Whether you're coming from KL Sentral, KLCC or other popular locations in Kuala Lumpur, reaching LaLaport BBCC via Rapid KL is convenient and easy! 
